Ok. So I have been wanting to write about the topic of being a sahm for quite some time now and am finally feeling the release to do so. Let me throw out a disclaimer: What I am about to write may step on some toes. It is in no way, shape, or form any means to judge, criticize or condemn anyone, but to offer a different perspective.
Being a sahm is no easy task for anyone, and I'd venture to say it's not everyone's cup of tea. I love being a sahm...well, most of the time, and it has it's challenges like anything else. I use to look at staying at home as a tedious, never ending, thankless job that involved me doing the same thing day in and day out, over and over and over again with nothing to look forward to. Since moving to CO, I have found a new perspective in so many areas, this being one of them. Staying at home isn't just something we do, it is a huge way we can minister to our families! I am in no way claiming to have it all together, anyone who really knows me can vouch for that, but what I am claiming is that there is, and could possibly be, another way of looking at this thing we do as women, wives, mothers, caretakers and homemakers.
Growing up, cleanliness was next to Godliness in my house. I was taught that everything had a proper place. To this day I still follow that, it was just engrained into me, but now I do it for different reasons. I feel that being a sahm is a privilege. I am very thankful that the Lord has given me the opportunity to do so and that my husband works his butt off so that I can stay at home. With that said, I believe it is my responsibility to not only stay at home, but to make my house a home. A home that is warm and welcoming, free of clutter, messes everywhere u turn, a place my husband can come home to and truly relax after a hard days work and doesn't have to be concerned with the things of the home. I stay at home, and that's the least I can do to not only be a good steward of the things and responsibilities the Lord has given me but to also show my husband that I love him, value him and appreciate all the hard work he does. I'm no Mary Poppins, but I do believe that as a homemaker and caretaker, my #1 priority (other than to God) is to truly take care of the one's, and the things I have, to show the Lord I can be faithful in the little things and that I don't take those things lightly or for granted.
I think simply what it boils down to is priorities and perspective. Lots of sahm's would rather hang out with friends or go shopping, and those things are fine in moderation, but I don't feel that they are productive or that they should be our main concern or priority. If we have spent all day hanging out, shopping or whatever, we are not using our time wisely, we are being careless in our efforts and what do we have to show for it? We are living in a home and most of the time a life that is dysfunctional, out of sorts, chaotic, has no rhyme or reason to anything and where we just fly on the tail of our shirt everyday. Our lives and homes need to be a place that if the Lord were to walk in, we wouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed of the way we have taken care of things. Granted, we don't need to be sticklers and be overly concerned, but we do need to make it a top priority just as we do our time with the Lord. I'm not saying things need to be spotless and you need to be a drill Sargent enforcing cleanliness, but I am saying that we need to ask ourselves is what we r doing right now representing the Lord well? Are we simply doing what we want, or r we doing things as unto the Lord? Are we being careless and selfish in our efforts or r we using that time to be a blessing to our family or our hard working husbands? Is what you're doing ministering to your family?
Let's all be good stewards of the people we are entrusted with, the things the Lord has blessed us with, the time we have, and see our part as not some meaningless task but a way of blessing those around us! There's no greater calling than being a mother, and to get to stay at home is just the icing on the cake! Let's represent the Lord well in all we do, in word and in deed, do everything as unto the Lord, knowing that He will bless the work of our hands, cause our families and relationships to grow and prosper and that when we stand before Him we will know that we did the best we could with what he gave us. Even if we never get a thank you, the Lord sees our diligence and will reward all the tireless hours we put in serving not only our families, but ultimately His children and that we did it with a heart that was selfless and full of love.