Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Thankful Heart

I've been just thinking about how good the Lord is and has been in my life so I wanted to share a few things that I am very thankful and grateful for!

1.My God-I could go on and on about how good God has been to me throughout my life and we would be here for weeks, but I will just share what's been going on lately that I am thankful for. I am thankful for His love, mercy, grace, kindness, provision and for being true to his word. It has been a loooong time coming, but in just 3 weeks, my husband will finally be signing up to attend Bible College full time, and it will be paid for in full!!! We were disobedient when the Lord told us almost 9 years ago to come to CO, allowing friends, family and circumstances to hold us back, but God's calling on our lives has never changed and is irrevocable! God gave us another opportunity to follow him last year, calling us away; we took a huge step of faith and made the plunge, and it has been the best decision we have ever made! Finances were really tough for a while after we moved. People we thought would support us, didn't, and really haven't kept in contact with us like we thought they would...BUT God has always been there and has been faithful. My husband got laid off from his previous job in January this year, but where one door closes, another door opens! God has really promoted him!! He is making almost 3x's what he was making when we first moved here, he is opening doors for him left and right, and we are actually living on 60% of our income better than when we were trying to hoard every penny before. God has changed me, is changing me, has given me a marriage I never thought I would have, a life I truly love, I get to live in one of the most beautiful places in the U.S. and I get to do it with God by my side, leading the way, supplying all our needs, and enjoying this life he created for me!!

2. My husband-Boy, oh boy, am I thankful for this man God has given me. He has seen me at my best and my worst, has fought for me, our marriage, our family, has never taken the easy way out or given up on me, has been an awesome provider, allows me the privilege to stay at home and home school our children, to be the care taker of our home, is my best friend, and am SO glad I get to do this life with him by my side! God truly gave me a gift when he gave Wayne to me, knowing that he would help rub off the rough edges, sharpen the areas that need to be sharpened, and gave me someone who has the same desires and passions for life that I do! God has renewed my love for him, some days I fall more and more in love with him and can hardly stand it, has humbled me and allows me to serve him, respect him, and finally let him be the head of our home! Things operate so much smoother now that I have let go of the control and give him to God, praying for his success and trying to stay humble when my flesh wants it's own way.

3. My kids-Children really are a blessing from the Lord, even though a lot of times we may take that for granted. My kids have loved me in spite of my rants and yelling at them, keep me humble, have showed me what true forgiveness and love is, make me laugh hysterically, and bring so much joy to me! Just the fact that I get to be with them everyday, teach them and see the efforts of that pay off, I get to feel their little arms wrapped around my neck, receive compliments from them and little sweet kisses enriches my life so much! I am truly blessed to have them as my children! God knew I needed them and that they needed me too!

4. My family and friends-They have seen me at my very best and my very worst and have always chosen to love me through it, encourage me, and lovingly show me areas where I may be missing it. I am thankful that I can always rely on them to be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, to encourage me, pray for me, and always point me back to the cross! I am thankful for the friends that still keep in contact with me and show me that no matter the time or distance, they will always have my back!

5. Little things: I find myself being thankful even for little things lately, like a hot shower, a car that runs and operates good (even if it's not exactly the car I want), a bed to sleep in (even if it's not the most comfortable one), that our storehouse is full, a refrigerator full of food, a roof over my head, my family and I are healthy, air in my lungs, we have clean and decent looking clothes to wear, and that I live in a country that's free (for now).

There are so many things we can be thankful for if we just stop and take the time to see them. We are such a blessed nation and people, yet many of us overlook that fact and want more and more, feeling we are entitled to more and that more will make us happy. If we can't be content and enjoy where we are, what we have, who we have, then we never will be! What kinds of things are you thankful for? May we choose everyday to acknowledge the things we DO have and not the things we don't!

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