Monday, November 7, 2011

Unpolished Gold...

Anyone who really knows me would probably call me "opinionated," but let the truth be told I am just very passionate about my beliefs. Sometimes, most of the time, it comes across wrong. I seem to always say things at the wrong time, the wrong way, with the wrong tone of voice or somehow manage to stick my foot in my mouth yet again.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always felt different, like the "black sheep" in my family, the odd man (or in this case woman) out. I remember as a little girl committing my life to the Lord, telling him I would go anywhere and do anything for him. I have always been "set apart," never hanging out with the "in crowd," being teased and mocked because of how I looked or simply for reading my bible in school. All the mistreatment not only from my peers, but almost every relationship in my life has made me want to stand up for "the little guy," and to defend those who are defenseless, broken down, worn out and just plain tired of fighting.

I have always been outspoken and stood up for the things, people, and God I truly believe in. I always seem to feel the need to defend God and his word, as if he actually needs to be defended. I appreciate transparency and complete honesty, it's a trait I find most attractive and I myself try to hold fast to. I don't like things to be sugar coated or watered down, just give it to me straight! I know at times my "give it to you straight" thinking can come across as brash, harsh or even judgmental at times. That could be further from the truth. My delivery might not always be right, but my heart almost always is. If you come to me, expect me to give you the truth in love, to talk to you and tell you the things I myself would want to be told, to always pray for you, encourage you and most importantly always, always try and point you back to the word.

I believe God has called each an every one of us to not only be a light to this dark world, but to be the voice of God also. Being used by God to speak life and encouragement into others lives is what I truly feel called to do, no, what I desire to do more than anything. Words have the power of life and death and those who love it will eat of its fruit (Proverbs 18:21). When I speak, may my words be full of life, not death, encouragement not discouragement, be full of Gods word which brings health, healing and wholeness, and know that more than anything my deepest desire is to see every one of you walking in victory and soaring high above life's trials and tribulations. That's my goal. That's my heart. That's the way I want my words to come across now and forever!

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