Friday, November 11, 2011

Taking Inventory

I love how patient God is with me and how he will keep repeating the same thing over and over to me until I finally get it. The last week I have written about the power of our words and that God has really been speaking to me about them. The last 2 mornings in particular I have read devotionals speaking verbatim what God has been so gently speaking to me. Coincidence? I think not!

Words have the power of life and death. God created the entire universe with just his words. When God changed Abram's name to Abraham, every time Abraham spoke his new name, he was speaking over himself "I am a father of many nations." When the fig tree died, it was because Jesus spoke to it and cursed it. When Lazarus was raised from the dead it was because Jesus spoke out loud and called him to come forth. Any time something amazing happened, it was all because of the words someone spoke to a person, a situation or over themselves. If God himself created things into existence with his very words, what are we creating with ours?

I often just sit and listen to people talk. I listen to how much negativity, death, and discouragement people constantly speak about themselves, situations, how they are feeling, and others without even realizing it. I, at times, catch myself getting ready to, or in the process of speaking negatively. People not only limit themselves by their words, but they limit God and the potential he sees in them.

I hear people say things like:
"I can't or we will never be able to afford..."
"I can't do..."
"My kids are such brats!"
"I hate my job!"
"My life sucks."
"I'm so scared about..."
".....makes me so mad!"
"You never listen!"

The list could go on and on. The absolute worst is when I see people absorb the words others speak to/over them, particularly family members. They let other peoples words penetrate their very soul, taking their words not as face value, but rather holding more value and power to them than Gods word. They ultimately allow others words to persuade and control them into doing or not doing something God has so clearly been speaking to them about...I should know because I allowed other peoples words to hold me back from Gods calling for many years. I have seen this in my own family and friends and it breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time. If I believed every negative, selfish, condemning word people have spoken over me, I'd be a complete mess, confused all the time, trying to please people rather than God, and definitely wouldn't be where I am now. I have by no means arrived, and this is not a blog about being positive, it's about letting Gods word be more true and everyone else's rub off us like water on a ducks back. Gods written word is important, but it's in speaking his word and promises over and over that gives us results!

My challenge to you and myself is to start taking inventory of not only the words we speak, but the words we allow others to speak into/over us. Confessing God’s Word does not move God to do things for us. It is not a magic formula. God had already moved when He gave up Jesus to die for you. However, when we confess His Word, it moves us from a position of doubt to faith. Whatever we speak will produce a harvest, either good or bad. If you are wondering why things aren't going well, change the way you talk about the situation, stop listening to everyone else's opinions, and expect God to move on your behalf! God honors His words, so start speaking them!!

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